KONZERT - Hutkonzert – Forest Roots

| Freilichtbühne Weinau...

Hillersche Villa

Concert | Live Electronics

Stylistically the duo moves between ambient/deep & dub-techno/soundscapes. The atmospheric depth of the music is solidified by numerous field recordings that were made on hikes in nature and that flow into the pieces in the form of samples. Classic and modern synthesizers in combination with modern music software form the variety of sounds.

Forest Roots merges all of these elements into an unmistakable sound of home.

ENTRY: one hour before the start of the event

OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ZmwHrKU_9iw (Nemo & Jaymon live @ Lokomov Chemnitz, February 2019)

Aktualisiert am 13.08.22, 22:47 o 'clock