You will listen not only to compositions by Johannes Brahms and other composers, but also to Bedřich Smetana's Three Girls' Choirs, four songs from Antonín Dvořák's Moravian Double Songs and his Largo from Novosvětská and Mácha's Hoj, hura, hoj! A selection from Otakar Jeremias's Mixture of National Songs, Lukáš's Wreath, will also delight. These are followed by arrangements of folk songs: Those Byster Bells and Tancuj, tancuj, vykrúcaj! (M. Raichl), Svitaj, Bože, svitaj (O. Halma). W. Hawkins - I´m Going Up a Yonder, Riccardo Cocciante, arr. Jan Jirásek - Le temps des cathédrales. Admission to the concert will be voluntary. Proceeds will support the extraordinary instrument of the Steinway piano. If you also want to support the instrument financially, you can also make a non-cash donation to the following account: 131-3260350297/0100. Thank you very much for this!
The mixed choir Jitro from Hradec Králové will perform.
The mixed choir Jitro from Hradec Králové will perform.
Last update 04.03.25, 03:25 o 'clock