Friend from the Rocks - Film screening and discussion

| Museum of the Bohemian...

Muzeum Českého ráje v Turnově

The project was created in cooperation with the climbing website and Czech Television. Museum of Bohemian Paradise in Turnov (exposition Climbing) / 6 April 2024 / from 20.00 / Admission 50 CZK

The short (21 minutes), black and white film "Kamarád ze skal" (Friend from the Rocks) from 1974 was filmed and presented by Czechoslovak Television based on the book of the same name by Josef Štyrsa. After digitalization, the story of Joska Smítka and his friends from Skalák will be shown on Czech Television and at the Museum of Bohemian Paradise in Turnov, where a discussion will also take place.

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Aktualisiert am 28.05.24, 09:48 o 'clock