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Kaleidoscope of colours - spring art studio

| Regional Gallery Liberec -...

We will focus on learning about the Easter symbolism of ornaments and colours. We will show how to prepare natural colour infusions and how they can be used in the creation of differently than traditional egg colouring. Children will also try the wax relief technique used to decorate Easter eggs. However, they will apply it to paper instead of eggs and work with it as a matrix for colour frottage. They will use these techniques to make decorative papers which they will then use to decorate a Easter egg (optical toy), the production of which will be part of the programme. In this way, there is a certain reminiscence of traditional decorative techniques, finding new applications and creating an artistic and educational overlap. From an educational point of view, it is about reviving and making visible the folk art used to decorate traditional Easter eggs, linking it to a traditional custom (customology) and putting it in a contemporary context in the production of the kaleidoscope. It is also about using the interdisciplinary link between art education and civic education and physics. The added value in the production of the kaleidoscope is the understanding of its principle of operation, i.e. the clarification of the emerging optical phenomenon. The workshop takes place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The course fee is 400 CZK and the application form can be downloaded from the website. For more information, please contact:

We invite you to the spring art studio - a suburban camp, which will be in the spirit of the coming Easter and the coming spring. The one-day suburban camp is led by Veronika Pouzarová.
Aktualisiert am 02.03.24, 06:31 o 'clock