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One World: White Angel

| Cinema Varšava

The town of Maryinka in the Donetsk region used to have 10 thousand inhabitants. When Russia invaded Ukraine, almost all of them had to flee. Police officer Vasyl Pipa and a team of volunteers have been trying to get people to safety, hiding for weeks in dark damp cellars, bagging the dead, giving first aid to the wounded, treating shrapnel wounds. They move around in an ordinary van, which the locals soon start calling the White Angel. On a small camera attached to his helmet, Vasyl captures the dramatic events in eastern Ukraine as they happen. In this way, he has managed to film an authentic testimony of how Russia is wiping Maryinka off the face of the earth.

Police officer Vasyl Pipa helps evacuate the population of the town of Maryinka, which has come under Russian fire. For several months, the camera on his helmet captures footage that is evidence of war crimes.
Aktualisiert am 16.03.24, 07:12 o 'clock