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Spring on the Wings of Jazz - J. J. Jazzmen and Barbora Vágnerová

| Letecké muzeum Metoděje Vlacha

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

The spring and autumn cycle of jazz concerts has a long tradition at the Aviation Museum. So does the bandJ. J. Jazzmen, who are regular guests and will close this year's spring season for subscribers with their performance.
J. J. Jazzmen is named after its first bandleader, Jan Jiruch, and has a tradition of more than thirty years. The band plays jazz, swing and Dixieland tunes, which they perform throughout Europe and overseas.
With singer Barbora Vágnerová, they will perform at Hangár Café on Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
Aktualisiert am 21.04.24, 06:07 o 'clock