Advent concert: Jakub Smolík with the band

| VRATISLAVICE Cultural...

An entertaining concert performance by the eternal romantic, whose songs primarily amaze the weaker sex in the audience.

Jakub Smolík not only benefits from his image and the songs of Zdeněk Barták, František Kasl or Jiří Zmožek, but also from his extremely fine taste in selecting covers of older hits, which the younger listeners in the audience first and foremost got to know through him .
The program includes his own hits, such as B. "Jen blázen žárlí", "Prý chlapi nebrečí" and "Ave Maria", also some new songs from the current album "Právě proto vám teď zpívám", but above all a romantic Christmas atmosphere.


Aktualisiert am 07.12.22, 10:03 o 'clock