Ivo Kahánek and Karolína Cingrošová

| Town Theatre, Turnov

Kulturní centrum Turnov,...

Admission in advance: 210 CZK Admission at the door: 240 CZK The programme combines the music of two American composers of Jewish origin who worked and created at the same time in the same places. These are Erich Korngold, a native of Brno, and George Gershwin, who, together with his brother, the lyricist Ira Gershwin, gave birth to hundreds of well-known and lesser-known melodies. Karolína Cingrošová appears in the songs of both composers as a femme fatale in period dress from the pre-war era, accompanied by the leading Czech pianist Ivo Kahánek, who will also perform several solo pieces, including the indispensable Rhapsody in Blue.

From Broadway to Hollywood and back, or a tribute to Korngold and Gershwin.
Aktualisiert am 04.05.23, 23:41 o 'clock