In Touch / live...or let's do it again!

| Železný Brod Civic Cinema

KC Kino Železný Brod

We didn't realise then that as we got older, sentiment would grow. Well, at least we didn't expect it so soon. Exactly 2371 days later, we will meet again and treat you to some heavy riffs, coincidentally where we left off - in the cinema in Železný Brod. On the 24th of June, however, we want to stay in the fresh air, so we will meet not in the comfortable seats of the cinema hall, but on the plaza behind the building. Enter the main entrance at seven o'clock, the music will start about an hour later. I guess it's a little bit depending on how we talk to the old familiar faces. It's going to be a special party, of course, and we'll spice it up with a few guests on stage. And we also thought we'd take it pretty grass roots. So you can look forward to seeing all the members who came through In Touch - Tomas, Michal, Hanz, another Tomas, Petr and Maty. You may have already guessed that the set-list will look like that. In the 8 years that our fundamental musical ensemble from the right bank of the Jizera River in Železný Brod has been on the scene, there has been a remarkable development in the creative process. We will start with songs from the old days, when we lived in the belief that noisier music means better music. And preferably with lyrics about youthful love. Well, where it's gone, you can judge for yourself. To mark the occasion, we'll eventually release a new Lili single (recorded in 2016, carefully stored in another mug), which you can stream on Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube. We'll let you know when it lands everywhere. Admission is voluntary, and we'd love it if you'd leave something in the cash box at the bar for the shindig. Be forewarned that we're not only more sentimental, but we're already melting under the rain. So if it rains, we won't get wet because we'll reschedule the concert. But we'll all tune in a few days beforehand according to Alena Zárybnická. We look forward to seeing you like old times!

Do you remember the last time we saw you on stage? It was December 2016 and we already knew that it would probably be the last In Touch performance.
Aktualisiert am 04.04.23, 09:49 o 'clock