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| Cultural Center Střelnice,...

Kulturní centrum Turnov,...

Already with the arrival of hypnotist Jakub Kroulík on stage, the more sensitive visitors to the performance may begin to feel changes in their perception. Once the hypnotist begins to transmit his will to all the visitors in the hall, his influence will be felt by all. Even the less sensitive who want to experience hypnosis. At the hypnotist's command, those on stage fall asleep, shiver, forget their names... The visitors to the show have a great time. Who is the hypnotist Jakub Kroulík? Hypnotist Jakub Kroulík is a first-class hypnosis expert. As the best hypnotist in the field, he is invited as a consultant for projects exploring the boundary between science and magic. These include The Coincidence Experiment and The Investigators. Single admission 550 CZK. On sale on the official website or physically at the Shooting Gallery reception.

Come and relax and experience something very special at the Hypnotist performance! You will experience a deep relaxation of your body and mind.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 29.03.24, 05:25 o 'clock