Samuel D. Hunter This well-written relationship comedy draws on the best American tradition of psychologically sophisticated drama and offers some fine acting opportunities. The dramaturgy has selected the play for the drama ensemble from the new works of world drama, not yet published in the Czech Republic. It will be translated for us and continues the impressive line of Czech premieres by the DFXŠ drama company. The translation and directing was done by Šimon Dominik, whom the Liberec audience knows well from his successful tenure as artistic director of the company. He has been consistently involved in contemporary world drama. Let us recall his impressive and still pressingly topical production of Norén's War. Samuel D. Hunter (b. 1981) is an award-winning New York playwright whose comedies have been adapted for television and film. But he hails from a small town, which is also where his The Handful draws its subject matter from. It plays out the eternal Chekhovian question: what is the meaning of our small human life? And the doubt: isn't the real life somewhere else? An ageing truck driver turns up years later at the editorial office of the magazine he founded to save his friends from loneliness somewhere in the wastelands of the highways, which he has abandoned without explanation. Meanwhile, his partner and their friend's 20-year-old son rescue the editorial staff, and the return of the Quixote dreamer brings unexpected challenges. Two generations honestly search for the meaning of creative work in a person's life and the courage to make a fundamental decision and change direction at life's crossroads.
A comedy about the human desire to seek and share the meaning of life.
A comedy about the human desire to seek and share the meaning of life.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 03.01.25, 05:30 o 'clock