Borders of Europe

| Cinema Varšava

A successful journalist abandons her family and, along with millions of other Eastern European workers, becomes a cheap labour force in Western Europe. In Germany on a farm, in an Irish hotel or as a caregiver in France. Everywhere she experiences first-hand the fate of those whose work we need and exploit on a daily basis. But what is the real price that Europe is paying for labour migration gone wrong? What are the fates and motivations of those who carry it out? And why do we mostly turn a blind eye to their miserable working and wage conditions?

What is the price of Western welfare? Journalist Saša Uhlová leaves her family behind and sets out to discover for herself what it is like to become a temporary labour migrant. A social probe into the lives of the people on whose shoulders Western European welfare stands and falls.
Aktualisiert am 28.05.24, 09:44 o 'clock