Directed by Jakub Čermák Dramatisation by Jakub Čermák and Josef Doležal Dramaturgy by Jaroslav Čermák Set design by Martin Šimek Costumes: Martina Zwyrtek Cast: Martin Kraus j. h., Stanislava Hajduková, Klára Anna Satinská, Lenka Schreiberová, Šárka Býčková, Tereza Gerstner Otavová, Zbyšek Humpolec j. h., Jan Burda Length of performance: 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission Admission: 360 CZK/390 CZK On the spot: 460 CZK Tickets cannot be reserved.
Johann, Charlotte, Christian and Karl. The combination of a preview of real events made famous by these names with their own experiences and literary mastery has given rise to one of the most famous works of world literature. Johann Wolfgang Goethe combined these elements into a love novel which, in the form of letters, has struck the reader since its publication in 1774 with the urgency of youth, love, loneliness, obsession and the search for freedom.
Johann, Charlotte, Christian and Karl. The combination of a preview of real events made famous by these names with their own experiences and literary mastery has given rise to one of the most famous works of world literature. Johann Wolfgang Goethe combined these elements into a love novel which, in the form of letters, has struck the reader since its publication in 1774 with the urgency of youth, love, loneliness, obsession and the search for freedom.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 16.08.24, 11:09 o 'clock