Hammerschmidt Honor

| Museum Kirche zum Heiligen...

Stadt Zittau

Andreas Hammerschmidt (1611 - 1675), who worked for decades as an organist at St. Johannis in Zittau, is one of the most productive and popular composers of the 17th century. His works - sacred choral and ensemble music, but also chamber music, songs and dances - often appeared in several editions, which were preceded by renowned contemporaries - including the Dresden court conductor Heinrich Schütz and the Hamburg poet Johann Rist - with words of praise. Hammerschmidt's oeuvre has only just begun to be explored, mainly due to its volume - more than 700 compositions can be documented.

The organizers are the Zittau Municipal Museums, the Euroregional Cultural Center Zittau e.V. and the city of Zittau.

The event is sponsored and supported by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony.

Last update 30.10.24, 19:51 o 'clock
