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Gump - we're two

| Cinema Varšava

Hey, it's Gump. Do you still remember me? It's been a long time since I've heard from you, I know. But I was happy. And when a dog's happy, just like a man, he doesn't need anything else. My new cinematic journey will begin exactly where the last one left off. My beloved Yogi Goat Bobek and I will go through the story that the stars wrote long before us. I'll meet many new people along the way, but also animals, not just dogs. Like Prince the brave pig, Silver the cocky rooster, Tommorow the star of the manege pony, and Julian the dog who saved his humans' lives. And I'll find my sister, Flower. For those of you who found the first film too sad and painful, don't worry. It'll be happier now. I'm not saying you won't cry, but I'm sure you'll laugh more this time. A story for all those who can read a dog's eyes, but also for those who can't yet or don't believe it's possible. You can see it in all cinemas from 28 March. I look forward to seeing you. Your Gump.

Gump's new cinematic journey will begin exactly where the last one left off. He and his beloved Yogi Goat Bobek will go through a story written long before by the stars. A film for those who can read a dog's eyes, but also for those who can't yet or don't believe it's possible.
Aktualisiert am 23.03.24, 07:18 o 'clock