The key topic of the lecture will be the artistic research focus of the Grey Gold project. Czech and Slovak women artists 65+ (which the author has been researching since 2014 together with Vendula Fremlova and Terezia Petišková). The project focuses on the problematic relationship between old age, creativity and gender, on the reflection of the late work of still active female artists over 65 and on the oral research of memory of this generation. Anna Vartecká works as an art theorist, exhibition curator and university lecturer at the Department of History and Theory of Art at the Faculty of Art and Design, UJEP in Ústí nad Labem; and at the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague.
Grey Gold: Czech and Slovak Women Artists 65+ from the Perspective of Gender and Age. Continuity and international overlap of the project. Anna Vartecká - lecture (45 min)
Grey Gold: Czech and Slovak Women Artists 65+ from the Perspective of Gender and Age. Continuity and international overlap of the project. Anna Vartecká - lecture (45 min)
Last update 01.09.24, 05:06 o 'clock