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Fuerteventura - island of wild beaches

| Železný Brod Civic Cinema

He stuck to Tripel's travel policy and kept travel costs to a minimum. You will learn how and where to buy air tickets, where to stay cheaply, how to get around in the destination without limiting yourself during the lecture. He has spent almost a month of his life on this beautiful island and has travelled extensively. Fuerteventura is the second largest island in the Canary Islands. It lies in the Atlantic Ocean about 100km from the African nation of Morocco. On its long coastline there are more than 150 natural beaches. Here you will find beaches with black, white and golden sand that contrast with the bright turquoise ocean. But you will also find mountains full of treks, beautiful scenery and, above all, the incredibly relaxed atmosphere of the local villages. Is it better to stay in Corralejo, Costa Calma, Caleta de Fuste, El Cotillo or Moro Jable? Or is it much better to find a small house in Lajares, La Oliva or even Tindaya? Everyone prefers something different. But after watching the lecture, you will definitely choose your own. The lecture of about 90 minutes is created in high definition, accompanied by 4K videos and drone footage.

Pavel Chlum went to this extraordinary island with his family.
Aktualisiert am 18.08.23, 08:03 o 'clock