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Movie Fridays: booze

| North Bohemian Museum Liberec

There is a theory that everyone should be born with a certain amount of alcohol in their blood. This small intoxication opens our minds to learning about the world around us, alleviates problems and increases our creativity. This theory catches the attention of Martin (Mads Mikkelsen) and his three friends, tired high school teachers, and they embark on an experiment where they maintain their blood alcohol levels throughout the day. If Churchill managed to win World War II with a good dose of alcohol, who knows what a few drops will do to them and their students? The initial results are encouraging and this little project will become a real academic research project. Both their classes and results improve and the group gets a taste for life again!
Entrance fee 100 CZK. Tickets are available at GoOut.

For February, we've got the Danish film Booze from 2020.
Aktualisiert am 01.02.24, 04:12 o 'clock