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European Mobility Week

| nám. Dr. E. Beneše

PROGRAM: 13:00 – 13:15 Zahájení akce moderátorem, příchod žáků z pozvaných základních škol i široké veřejnosti seznámení s programem a jednotlivými stanovišti
13:15 - 17:00 Ongoing programme of the event at the individual stations - Testing of electric bikes/bicycles, adjustment service (Cyklosport KERDA) - Cycling only with a helmet, bicycle helmets, mandatory equipment (Road Safety Team) - Proper passenger behaviour in public transport (DPML) - Carsharing (Autonapol) - Electro mobility car/bike - (Liberec Region) - Prevention stand and demonstration of technology - Cycling safely (Police) - Promotion of the project from European funds - Eurocentrum Liberec - Information stand MML - Information Centre Liberec - KČT - marking of tourist routes - Czech Tourist Club - Health promotion - cholesterol level measurement, blood pressure, BMI and body fat - (Regional Health Promotion Centre of the Liberec Region, State Health Institute) - ČČK - first aid - BESIP - "I Give Respect" campaign - Shared bikes, information about the service, test rides - (NEXT BIKE)
14:00 - 14:15 1. Biketrial show Martin Šimůnek 14:15 - 14:30 2. MM Parkour Liberec 15:15 - 15:30 3. Biketrial show Martin Šimůnek 15:30 - 15:45 4. MM Parkour Liberec 17:00 Closing of the event by the moderator, thanking everyone for their participation in the event
There will also be a small competition for children, small prizes...

Program: you will learn how the new shared bikes work, information about electric cars, pedestrian and cyclist safety, healthy lifestyle, biketrial, parkour, tour of a police car, etc.
Aktualisiert am 16.08.23, 09:20 o 'clock