Christmas Concert: "Die Pfeifen lasst hören, die Freud zu vermehren"

| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


45th Christmas Concert

We want to make this year's Christmas concert as cheerful and exuberant as the title suggests and would also like to follow the other lines of the happy shepherd's song, which says: "„Und blast nur brav drein, das Kindlein wirds freun!“"

The concerts of 2022 were something very special - when, after the pandemic, the major water damage happened and a small miracle happened: everyone (!) had adjusted to the extraordinary circumstances and a Christmas atmosphere was created that was as original as it was rare.

A long time ago, very simple people - namely shepherds - received the news that something very big and unique had happened. To this day, hardly any other “headline” moves people’s hearts as much as this event. Every day we are bombarded with news about royal families, all kinds of seemingly very important things, right up to the supposedly bad wolf - but shepherds are reported about far too rarely. It's high time to talk about them again - for example about the "Pifferari", as the shepherds in Abruzzo are called, who once carved their own flutes and used anything to make music that could somehow produce a sound.

But not to take the motto in the title too literally: One or two Hallelujahs will probably be sung (and not whistled!) this year too.

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 26.12.23, 04:50 o 'clock