Die Chansonette

| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


Musical puppet theater for adults

Dear audience!
Lend me your ear, you might get it back, but it won't be the same!
The nice chansonette will not disappoint you! For countless years on the boards that make the world, I let you participate in history and stories that love wrote. And what would this be without the music whose colorful wings carry me. Dissonant tipping points are guaranteed not to be circumnavigated and shoals of all kinds are taken along mercilessly.
Very old and yet ageless, I present you with a bouquet of colorful melodies from the 20s, 30s, 40s, ... 70s, .... I know them all. You decide how far I go!

After my successful performances at viathea 2016, I decided to offer you a full-length program.

Enjoy the dance of ageless melodies and let yourself be surprised when I open my old suitcase from Berlin for you and take you to the smallest opera house in the world.
Lend me your ear, give me a look and I'll hit you right in the heart.

Your Chansonette

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 30.06.22, 23:27 o 'clock