The Count of Monte Cristo

| Waldbühne Jonsdorf


Play based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas

Version of the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater Görlitz-Zittau

The forest stage Jonsdorf becomes the setting of the most famous revenge in adventure literature: Full of hate and passion Edmond Dantès as the mysterious Count of Monte Christo sets out to take revenge on all those who destroyed his career and his life after 14 years of imprisonment and years of conscientious preparation.

But it had all begun so well: In February 1815, the then 18-year-old returns from a trading voyage to his hometown of Marseille as first officer of the "Pharaoh." He enjoys the favor of the shipowner. His promotion to captain is imminent. Things are also going well in his private life. Dantès and the beautiful Mercédès want to get married. But shortly before the ceremony, he is arrested before the eyes of the stunned wedding guests.

While the young sailor still believes in a mix-up, which will soon prove to be groundless, the noose tightens around him. Resentment and envy of success have brought intriguers onto the scene. Small minds and upstarts do the rest. Accused of being a spy for Napoleon, there is no escape for him from the clutches of a self-righteous justice system. At least not for a long time. Only when he meets an old priest in prison by chance, who lets him in on the secret of a treasure hidden on the island of Montechristo, does this lay the foundation for his relentless quest for revenge. But although this treasure brings Edmond Dantès untold wealth after his spectacular escape, the Count of Monte Cristo also remains a broken man. In search of justice, he follows a bloody trail through the country - until he is terrified of his deeds and of himself.

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 03.07.22, 12:33 o 'clock