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Earth Day with UNESCO Geopark Bohemian Paradise


Geopark Český ráj o.p.s.

On the basis of the rocks, minerals, but also the remains of human activity (what the Jizera brought) we will try to reconstruct what geological units and places the Jizera flows through and thus compile a complete geological history of our landscape.
During the excursion we will also collect fossils in the rubble under the rock outcrops above the Jizera weir in Dolánky.
The excursion is led by Mgr. The event is organized by the Geopark Český ráj o.p.s. in cooperation with the Society of Friends of the Bohemian Paradise in Turnov and the House of Nature of the Bohemian Paradise.

Place and time. Blanka Nedvědická, tel: +420 603 448 459
E-mail: ;,

All-day geological excursion "What the Jizera brought - a window into the geological past of the Bohemian Massif".
Last update 04.04.23, 09:46 o 'clock
