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Earth Day with UNESCO Geopark Bohemian Paradise

| Bohemian Paradise House of...

Geopark Český ráj o.p.s.

On the banks of the Jizera River we will identify rocks brought by the river, surface collection of fossils in the rubble under the rock outcrops will take place above the Jizera weir. At the source of the Bezednice River you will learn about karst phenomena, through the Vazovec valley we will go to Slapy (sinkhole, cave) through Bukovina (view of sandstone rocks and volcanic peaks of the Bohemian Paradise) we will return to Dolánky. Route: approx. 8 km.
The excursion is led by Vít Preisler, a lecturer at the Centre for Environmental Education of the Bohemian Paradise in Sedmihorky.
The event is organized by the Geopark Český ráj o.p.s. in cooperation with the Centre for Environmental Education of the Bohemian Paradise in Sedmihorky and the House of Nature of the Bohemian Paradise.
The participation fee is voluntary and supports the activities of the Bohemian Paradise Geopark.
As part of the programme, it is possible to visit the free exhibition in the House of Nature of Český Ráj.

Full-day geological excursion "A look into the geological past of the UNESCO Bohemian Paradise Geopark" in the vicinity of Dolánky u Turnova.
Last update 07.04.24, 07:13 o 'clock
