Grenzland Theater

| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


Scenic installation on the seizure of power in 1933

"Somehow the atmosphere lacked innocence, lacked informality. It was soon understood that political issues were involved, that the idea of the nation was involved.” Thomas Mann Mario and the Magician

In their book Das Grenzlandtheater in Zittau 1934 – 36, Jos Tomlow and Sabine Spitzner-Schmieder trace the construction of the new theater during the Nazi era. Immediately after the seizure of power in 1933, the planning of the first of a total of three Grenzlandtheaters took place with the active participation of the highest political circles. Theater was incorporated as an important part of right-wing propaganda and thus part of the strategy that ultimately led to the abyss.

How did those in power think, plan and implement theatre? How did they interpret classical material for their ideology? How did the National Socialist sentiment manifest itself in everyday artistic life, at rehearsals or in the canteen? In a scenic installation, we place the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater itself at the center of a theater evening and take the audience on a parcours behind and under the stage.‎.‎

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 02.12.23, 09:13 o 'clock