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Cyrano of Bergerac

| F. X. Šalda Theatre, Liberec

Divadlo F.X.Šaldy...

Edmond Rostand, Filip Veverka Edmond Rostand's play Cyrano of Bergerac has been performed for more than a hundred years on theatre stages all over the world. Thanks to its beautiful lyrics and tragicomic plot, it continues to captivate audiences of all generations. Laughter, emotion, applause and then heated discussions about which of the performers of Cyrano has been the best in recent years are inherent in this poetic drama. It is almost surprising that a dramatic story full of poetry has remained hidden from the eyes of ballet makers, and only a few have attempted to render the work in movement. Perhaps it is the abundance of haunting verse that has led to doubts as to whether it is even possible to translate the work into dance form. However, the famous French choreographer Roland Petit attempted to do so, and with music by Marius Constant and costumes by Yves Saint Laurent, the first ballet treatment of Cyrano saw the light of day in 1959. The list of other versions is very limited, perhaps worth mentioning is the 2013 performance in Würzburg, choreographed by Anna Vita, which became a great audience favourite. Liberec audiences now have the opportunity to see probably the youngest production of Cyrano in the world, which premiered in Innsbruck in 2022, choreographed by Filip Veverka. Master Veverka has reworked his work to suit the Liberec ballet company. We wish you a wonderful experience.

A romantic ballet about unfulfilled love.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 11.02.24, 08:34 o 'clock