Crystal Valley Week - Concert of Ondřej Glogar

| nám. Dr. E. Beneše

Ondřej has been playing the didgeridoo for more than 20 years and has travelled a large part of the world with this instrument. As a street musician he has founded and formed several bands, the most famous of which is YEDHAKI:NAUTIKA, with which he released two albums AUDIOHALUCINATIONS 2014 and TRANSCENDANCE 2016 and played more than a thousand concerts, shows and major and international festivals. He plays a special acoustic and breathing Electro / Techno / HighTech style influenced by the Czech subculture Psy/Rave/FreeTekno of the 90s.

Concert by Ondrej Glogar, with glass musical instruments, including playing the Celtic musical instrument Carnyx
Aktualisiert am 29.08.23, 08:23 o 'clock