
| Kronenkino (cinema, events)

Hillersche Villa

D 2020, Director: Sönke Wortmann, Age 12+, 104 min

Naima (Nilam Farooq) has made it. She has been accepted for law studies at the university in Frankfurt and wants to finally reach her big dream: to become a lawyer. But on the very first day things already go wrong - she gets there late and finds herself in the line of fire of the arrogant Professor Pohl (Christoph M. Herbst). When he insults her with racial slurs and other students capture this on video, the Executive Committee threatens to sack him - unless he becomes Naima's rhetoric tutor for an important debate competition. But cn this really bridge the chasm or is this just about saving the university's good name?

Highly recommended.

Last update 23.02.22, 15:06 o 'clock
