Travelling with dinosaurs

| Turnov, Na Lukách

Cestování s dinosaury

It is an interactive performance, conducted in the form of a lecture, which is designed for preschoolers and primary school children on the topic of dinosaur life in the Mesozoic Era. This performance is accompanied by life-size replicas of fossils and animatronic dinosaurs of various sizes, from small juveniles to seven-metre specimens. Our dinosaurs are controlled by 1 to 2 operators and interact with the audience. This gives children the impression that they are meeting a real living creature. The program is approximately 100 minutes long.
The event takes place under a mobile canopy.
Admission: children 3-15 years 300 CZK, children under 3 years free, adults 350 CZK
Family admission: 2 x adult and 2 x child 1200 CZK, 2 x adult and 3 x child 1450 CZK

Theatrical show with dinosaurs for the whole family. Come take a peek into the world of the Mesozoic Era, where giant reptiles come to life in front of the audience.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 28.09.23, 09:36 o 'clock