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A tribute to Daisy from Pless

Daisy von Pless (1873-1943), born Mary Theresa Olivia Cornwallis-West, came from the English gentry. Admired for her beauty and her charm, her intelligence and her sparkling mind, but also controversial because of her casual manners, she soon became the most celebrated high society lady of her time. With her marriage to Prince Hans Heinrich the XV. von Pless, one of the most (influential) men in Germany, began a period of active confrontation with the social and political conditions surrounding her and her social role as a woman. Driven by concern for the future of Germany and her native England before the outbreak of World War I, her residence at Fürstenstein Castle (today Zamek Książ) in Lower Silesia became a meeting place for the high nobility and the crowned heads of Europe with the aim of strengthening diplomatic relations between the stabilize and improve countries. Her social and political commitment led to the realization of a number of remarkably progressive social projects and thereby significantly improving the living conditions of the needy population in Waldenburg (Wałbrzych). To honor this commitment, the year 2023 will be celebrated as the Year of Princess Daisy von Pless in Wałbrzych and the region.

The actress Kristin Giertler devotes herself to this fascinating personality and tells the unusual story of a woman between two worlds. Subtle and humorous, she draws a portrait of a woman that amazes and inspires with its directness and topicality.

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 04.05.23, 23:44 o 'clock