Jerk for Dinner - Francis Veber

| City Theatre, Mladá Boleslav

Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav

Francois has this unusual hobby: he builds bridges out of matches. It's the most exciting thing in the world and the last joy he has left in life. So he's not afraid to tell anyone he meets about it. Unfortunately, this time he met Pierre, who also has an unusual hobby. He collects fools. In this hilarious conversational comedy, the audience can watch not only a battle for the title of the biggest dumbass in the room, but also a spectacular excursion through all levels of the saying "To a fool, everyone is stupid." Presented by the Kladno Municipal Theatre.

A French conversational comedy about the fact that for a fool everyone is stupid.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 20.05.23, 23:06 o 'clock