Be my baby

| VRATISLAVICE Cultural...

The short-tempered Scotsman John and the ever-nervous Englishwoman Maude meet for the first time at the wedding of John's ward and Maude's niece. The second time, they are brought together only by the young couple's request to pick up a newborn baby for them in California, which the newlyweds have decided to adopt. John and Maude embark on a long journey that manages to make each other properly uncomfortable. And to make matters worse, they get stranded in San Francisco, from where they are unable to return to Britain for several weeks. But during their forced time and worrying about a defenceless newborn, they begin to realise the other's better side...

A tender and sensitive retro-comedy proving that anyone can be wrong about another and that it's never too late to love.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 05.12.23, 12:02 o 'clock