| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


1st Unterhaltungskonzert

The duo lola.gelb's program is about curiosity, adventure, breaking out, exploring and (perhaps never) finding. The two artists face the general social, but also very personal questions about life. An evening of chanson with voice and piano.

lola.gelb is a multifaceted and colorful chanson for voice and piano. lola.gelb are Anika Paulick and Michelle Bernard. Two classically trained musicians, singer and pianist, from the music city of Leipzig, who are also at home on the opera and concert stage.

Found without looking.

When the two artists meet at an opera production, they discover their shared love of chanson, which is only a year old for Anika and has accompanied Michelle since she was a child. With lola.gelb they devote themselves to this genre with dedication and courage, intensity and depth. lola.gelb is a feeling of home. lola.gelb is a feeling of freedom. With their current solo program "Aufbruch. Und wo bin ich dann?" they are guests at the State Theater Cottbus and the Kurt Weill Festival Dessau, among others. Photos: Robert Weinhold

Theatre and Literature
Last update 30.08.24, 13:21 o 'clock
