Anne Swoboda & Marc Winkler "Talking out of the sewing box" (D)

| Hillersche Villa

Hillersche Villa

Fairy tales freely told - not only for children! In an old sewing box, things can be found that lead to story traces: the old crochet hook becomes a fishing rod and pulls an enchanted prince ashore, a chicken dreams of saving the world and the little lucky mill fulfils almost all wishes! Words, sounds, pictures and figures take the audience into the land of language and fantasy.

A storytelling theatre with puppets and objects for young and old, atmospherically accompanied by jazzy sounds. The puppeteer Anne Swoboda (Theater 7schuh) and the solo guitarist Marc Winkler are widely successful with their theatre and music projects. For the first time, the two from Görlitz are on stage together to take the audience on an adventurous journey for the senses.

For children from 4 years

Concept and play: Anne Swoboda (Theater 7schuh), Music: Marc Winkler, Duration: 45 min, in German

Start: 4:00 pm

Admission: 15:30

Box office: 7€ / 5€

Reduced ticket prices:

Pupils, students, trainees, persons doing federal voluntary service, severely disabled persons, recipients of citizen's allowance on presentation of valid proof and refugees. Czech and Polish citizens also pay reduced admission for concerts in Germany.

Aktualisiert am 09.10.23, 11:47 o 'clock