Animated film workshop as part of the anniversary year "450 years of the Little Zittau Lenten...

| Zittau Markt

In 2023 the Little Zittau Lenten Cloth will be 450 years old. On this occasion, an animation film workshop will take place in Zittau on the weekend of March 11th / 12th, 2023. The workshop is carried out and accompanied by the JKON - youth art school Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien, the district music school Dreiländereck and the municipal museums Zittau.

The workshop offers the opportunity to create small animated films, while learning new digital skills and being creative. Everything revolves around the Little Zittau Lenten Cloth and its history. Children and adults who like to work creatively with their smartphones can take part.

The workshop starts on Saturday, March 11th and Sunday, March 12th at 10 a.m. on the Zittau market square. The mobile VHS with the workstations is available there.

All participants will receive free tickets for the concert, which will be performed on Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 5 p.m. in the Zittau monastery church. Among other things, the Johannes Passion by Heinrich Schütz (SWV 481) will be heard. The choral work will be performed by the vocal ensemble "Madrigalion Praga" conducted by Čenĕk Svoboda. The results of the workshop will also be presented as part of the concert.

Registration for the workshop and further information can be found at Fastentuch (

Last update 06.03.23, 10:08 o 'clock
