Aneta & Soul Uncles

| Na Rampě Club

and professional musicians who have been or still are active in well-known bands of the Czech music scene. For a long time we met and jammed at various music events and festivals, until finally the idea of trying something new together brought us together in the rehearsal room. So we gradually grew to today's eight permanent uncles and aunts and we serve you coolness as an appetizer, energized original music as the main course and the haunting vocals of our aunt Aneta for dessert. You'll find us somewhere between soul, funk and pop on the musical map, but boxes don't really suit us. We just like it when it rocks and when it rolls. And we are rolling to Jablonec on Saturday 18.3., and where else but to our beloved club Na Rampě !

The music is somewhere between soul, funk and pop, but the boxes don't suit them very well. They just like it when it rocks and when it rolls.
Last update 10.03.23, 10:47 o 'clock

