| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


Play about God and the world by Ulrich Hub | Comedy with puppets and live music

Production by the German-Sorbian Folk Theater Bautzen

The three penguins argue constantly and with great passion. They are constantly bullying and fighting each other. They discuss who smells the most of fish or whether this God, who is supposed to be able to hear and see everything, really exists. When one of them accidentally sits on a butterfly, there is a lot of shouting. They even fear that God is angry with them because of this. He has decided to start over again and is sending the flood to destroy all sinful life on earth. This is reported by the dove, who brings each animal species two tickets for the saving Noah's Ark. The penguins also get two. But they quickly agree: "We only come in threes," and do not want to let their friend down. So the two penguins have to secretly smuggle the third one on board the ark - past the watchful eyes of the dove. But the game of hide-and-seek soon threatens to be exposed.

At the Ark at Eight poses the big questions of survival and faith in a turbulent, humorous puppet show with music, and celebrates the power of charity. In a pointed, philosophical and wonderfully relaxed way, three penguins discuss the existence of supernatural powers, moral commandments and prohibitions, and the appropriateness of punishments. In the end, with their friendship, they defy all adversities and imponderables of existence. ‎‎

This event will take place in German language.

Theatre and Literature
Last update 30.08.24, 13:21 o 'clock
