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Alchemy and Healing at the Court of Emperor Rudolf II - Michal Plavec

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Kittelovo muzeum

Dr. John Dee (1527-1608/1609) was undoubtedly one of the most educated Europeans of the late 16th century. His thirst for knowledge was boundless. He was the first man after Enoch, "who walked with God," to seek the primordial language, the lingua adamica, the language of Adam. To do this, he decided to make use of conversations with angels and archangels, the contents of which he recorded. He invoked them with crystal magic, by divination from a crystal ball, together with Master Edward Kelley. He was eager to understand the hidden teachings, which he wanted to understand precisely by deciphering and mastering the primordial language. After all, he himself had heard about it after one of his conversations with the angels: "That tongue which Adam indeed spoke in his innocence, and which has never yet been uttered or revealed to any man, in which the power of God must work, and the true kind of wisdom must be communicated, which is not to be spoken of in any other matter, nor to be spoken of in human thoughts, for just as this work and gift are from God, who is all power, and He opens the way by the tongue of power." It is surely not out of place to recall that the 1st and 2nd books of Enoch are among the most important apocryphal writings, and that Enoch (Hebrew: Chanoch), the Initiate, is mentioned by the Qur'an under the name of Idris as a pre-flood prophet. Esotericists identify Enoch with Hermes Trismegistus or Thoth (the ancient Egyptian god Djehuti). Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah, according to scripture. Reservations at

Apr 10, 2024 - Search for the primordial language and conversations with angels. Dr. John Dee among the alchemists at the court of Emperor Rudolf II (1584-1586) lectured by Michal Plavec
Aktualisiert am 05.04.24, 07:28 o 'clock