AHOJ Festival

| Freilichtbühne Weinau...

Hillersche Villa

Here we go again, we are bringing the AHOJ back! What a blast we had last year and thanks to all of you, your support and your encouragement we decided to keep the momentum going. This year we will meet and connect at a brand new location surrounded by the beautiful Weinau park. AHOJ festival, multicultural, cross-border, people connecting event to kick-off the summer with a unique atmosphere and rich line-up.Creative creatures from not only Czech republic and Germany will meet again to co-create a space filled with art, music and theater. To feed your souls a bit more, there will be creative workshops and art installations to admire. To feed your bodies, there will be great vegan food by Freund Blase, delicious coffee by Kaffee-Kalle and fresh beer by Létající pivo. In cooperation with our partners Schwalbentanz e.V., Jugendring Oberlausitz e.V. , Hillersche Villa gGmbH and 1000 und Deine Sicht, we managed to invite some amazing artists. The programme is still evolving but we can already invite you to enjoy the following performances:

FRI 24.6. Open Doors 3pm

15:00 Jaymon (DE)
16:00 Markéta Nikendey (CZ)
17:00 Optimik (CZ)
20:00 Banda Comunnale (DE)
22:30 Swabik feat. Rebela Yella (CZ)2nd stage:
18:30 Ondřej Gaborskey (CZ)
21:30 DJ DaRoot (CZ)

SAT 25.6. Open Doors 10am11:30 DJ Micha (DE)
12:30 Imjoy improv (CZ)
13:30 Offene Kulturbühne by Ton.Labor
16:30 The Kitten of Doom - theater (CZ)
17:30 Martinus (DE)
19:00 Lawd bacchus (DE)
22:00 Mense (DE)
23:30 Dahø (CZ)

SUN 26.6. Open Doors 10am

10:00 - 14:00 - Fleamarket and ArtBazare

11:30 Dancer Lucie
12:30 Annie Pitty, Péťa Ouhelová (CZ)
14:00 Jule Richter, Jana Podlipná - kids theater

Fri - 10€
Sat - 10€
Sun - FREE!
(Kids under 14 can come for free)

The venue: Freilichtbühne Weinau

How to get there:
Come on bike, the ride is amazing!
Come by bus, the bus stop is just a few steps away from the festival site!
Come by car, the parking is limited so think of that in advance.
Or just have yourself a lovely walk.

AHOJ is still looking for volunteers!
Do you want to help us build the festival? Take care of the flow during the weekend? Clean up the area so we dont leave no trace? We want you!
Do not hesitate to send us a message for more details


AHOJ and see you all soon!

Aktualisiert am 22.06.22, 12:16 o 'clock