Advent concert “Table Stories”

| Naturparkhaus Zittauer Gebirge


Colorful foliage, cooler temperatures and foggy days remind us that the last quarter of 2023 has begun. Gradually, a warming coziness moves into the living rooms. Sitting together, chatting, a cup of coffee or tea by candlelight, and “table stories” emerge, the motto of this year's Advent concert in the Zittau Mountains Nature Park House. Traditionally on the 1st of Advent, the big band Klangfarben gets you in the mood for the most contemplative time of the year with a Christmas concert in the hall of the Nature Park House. Tickets for the concert on December 3rd, 2023, 3:00 p.m. are available at the Tourist Information Großschönau Naturparkhaus Zittauer Gebirge, at Heppy Moden Zittau, in the CD Studio Zittau and in the Bunte Truhe Großschönau.

Aktualisiert am 23.11.23, 13:19 o 'clock