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The mystery of the puzzle - Jaroslav Foglar

| City Theatre, Mladá Boleslav

Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav

Would you like to take to the skies on a flying bike? There's nothing easier. All you have to do is venture into the dark, narrow and winding streets of the Shadowlands, a neighborhood with a bad reputation. Somewhere in there should be hidden the legendary "hedgehog in a cage" puzzle, in the heart of which the young inventor Jan Tleskač has put the blueprint for a flying velocipede. But the Shadowlands are not safe for any boy or girl. For it is ruled by a band of wild boys called the Vontes. The filmmaker views this now classic story with affectionate exaggeration and humour, bringing it appropriately to contemporary audiences. Performed by AHA Theatre Prague.

A cult boy's suspense novel with horror elements translated to the stage.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 30.03.24, 06:11 o 'clock
