Take your life into your hands - lecture and discussion

| Jóga Bedřichov

Penzion UKO – Studio Jóga...

You will learn, among other things, how to create an entirely new dietary system that leads to prosperity and health. There will be talks about the corporate food industry, toxins in food, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and newer projects of our guests such as the Five Element Cooking School. There will also be talks about proven research in artificial intelligence, weather modification, the Green Deal and other global events that affect our daily lives. Of course, there will also be space for your questions.
You can register via the booking system or email joga@uko.cz.

Experience a unique personal encounter with microbiologist and author of two bestselling books on metabolic balance and integrative nutrition, Ivana Stenzl, and researcher/journalist Radovan Dluhy-Smith.

Take your life into your own hands.pdf (2.03 MB)
Last update 18.09.24, 06:30 o 'clock
