Tommy among the dinosaurs

| City Theatre, Železný Brod

Schoolboy Tommy likes books. He reads everywhere and all the time. His mother forbids him to read one night. But Tommy crawls under the covers with his torch because he has borrowed a book about dinosaurs and has to return it soon. He falls asleep while reading and suddenly sees himself in the middle of the forest with his dog Bulík, who accompanies him everywhere and keeps watch. They meet a small dinosaur, whom they befriend. However, the dinosaur's parents start looking for him and the little friends try to hide from him wherever they can. They have a wonderful adventure together and have lots of fun, including dinosaur races. But eventually it's time to return home. Tommy casts his dinosaur friend's footprint as a souvenir. In the morning, Mommy wakes Tommy up for school. Tommy tells everyone around him about his dream and excitedly runs to school to tell his friends. Mummy laughs at first, but when she makes his bed she finds a cast of a dinosaur footprint under his pillow!

A fairy tale by Lidu's Theatre Prague in the theatre in Železný Brod.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 31.05.24, 07:43 o 'clock
