Circuit training for adults

| Sokolovna Jablonec n. N.

Circuit training - a varied class that makes us feel stronger, fitter and more resilient. Or Comprehensive interval training for all muscle groups, cardiovascular system and psyche. How does it work? - warm up - 15 to 20 different stations (cardio, strength, dynamics, coordination...) - explanation of exercises - individual workout station by station with music - 30 - 40 seconds on 1 station, then a short break to move to the next one - in a lesson lasting 60 minutes, 1 "circle" is walked at least twice - joint cleaning of equipment - final stretching - and with a smile home :-) Important! Everyone exercises according to his/her abilities. There is always an easier and a harder option. Classes are held every Sunday at 18:45 in the large gym of the Jablonec Sokol Hall. Registration by SMS or whatsapp at 602 123 193. Looking forward to Vendula Škoda

Circuit training - a varied class for men and women of different fitness levels that will make you feel stronger, fitter and more resilient. Important! Everyone trains according to their own abilities. There is always a lighter and a heavier option. The lesson takes place ALWAYS! Just text 602123193 that you're coming. Looking forward to Vendula Skoda Physiotherapist
Last update 27.09.24, 06:48 o 'clock
