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Hurvínek's Journey to Tramtaria - Milan Klásek - Denisa Kirschnerová

| City Theatre, Mladá Boleslav

Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav

Where did those two get off again! All Hurvínek had to do was catch a cold, Mánička read to him from a storybook, and it all started. They found themselves in a land of thirsty flowers, ruled by the nasty Princess Gerbera. They hadn't even had time to look around before they were trapped by Gerber! You will see how they both dealt with it in the fairy tale about the water cycle in nature. Presented by Spejbl and Hurvínek Theatre Prague.

A fairy tale about the water cycle in nature. A land full of thirsty flowers, ruled by a nasty princess.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 30.03.24, 06:15 o 'clock
