Ceebius run 2024 or we know how to help

| Frýdlant


This is a cross-country race that is open to all ages, fitness is not a determining factor. The categories are different and adapted to the current lifestyle and fitness of each participant. The goal is always to help someone who is in a difficult life situation. This year's run will support 14-year-old Eliska, who has a heart condition. She has been struggling since she was a little girl, going to spas and has undergone countless surgeries. Elishka is a very brave girl and Ceebius Run 2024 will support her this year as she is facing a major heart surgery in September and will welcome all public help with open arms.

On Saturday, 14 September, another traditional year of the charity running race called Ceebius Run 2024 or We Can Help by Moving will take place in Frýdlant. The race starts at 9:00 am at the Purkyňova Primary School in Frýdlant.
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Last update 23.08.24, 13:10 o 'clock
