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Beetle Baggins - Ondřej Sekora - Jana Galinová

| City Theatre, Mladá Boleslav

Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav

A free sequel to the successful fairy tale Ferd the Ant. In the pond where the brave and kind Spider Vodouch lives, the evil Diver moves in with the charming Mud Splash and starts to order everyone around. Ferda and his friends - Cricket, Rumenece the Platypus, Skvor the Cop, Meadow Horse and, of course, Baggins the Beetle - try to save the pond together. Ladybug and Pepina the Caterpillar also appear. And because Ferda is very tired from his work, he decides to take the place of Beetle Baggins. Presented by the Pretty Big Theatre Litvínov.

A fairy tale based on the famous book by Ondřej Sekora, full of adventures of the famous "jack of all trades" and "jack of all trades".
Theatre and Literature
Last update 30.03.24, 06:13 o 'clock
