The production for youth and adult audiences is loosely inspired by motifs from the life of Josef Váchal in his voluntary exile in Studeňany in the Jičín region, from his letters-novels addressed to Josef Hodek, Jakub Deml and others. And last but not least in Váchal's book "The Devil's Garden or The Natural History of Ghosts". This imaginative production aims to give high school students and adult audiences an insight into the life and work of one of our greatest artistic personalities of the 20th century - the graphic artist, painter, carver, writer and philosopher Josef Váchal (1884-1969). Among the most famous works of this artist, who was completely unappreciated during his lifetime, are a parody of Braque literature, The Bloody Novel, and illustrations for Jakub Demel's The Castle of Death. For audiences ages 13 and up.
An inaugural puppet extravaganza based on the life and work of Josef Váchal.
An inaugural puppet extravaganza based on the life and work of Josef Váchal.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 12.01.24, 05:27 o 'clock